Site C 50 Unit Passive House

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Project Highlights

  • Housing for Site C Construction workers, along with affordable housing for low and moderate income households
  • Upon completion of Site C, all 50 units will be available for affordable housing
  • The building will be the largest PassivHaus Certified Building in British Columbia


  • Deliver the components required to ensure this structure meets the stringent PassivHaus certification criteria


  • We provided a wide variety of high-performance products required to meet the stringent requirements of Passive House.
  • Rockwool Comfort Board and Comfort Batt, SOPRASEAL Stick 1100T, Shield Building Wrap, Tyvek Commercial Building Wrap, Hardie Panel Smooth, Hardie Plank Smooth, EasyTrim, Tremco 440 Black Tape, JM Insulation, SOPRA XPRESS BOARD, SOPRAROCK insulation, SOPRALENE Flam 180, Duotack, SOPRALENE Flam 250 GR, Sopralene Flam Stick, SOPRAVAP'R

Project Info



Owner: BC Housing / BC Hydro
Architect: Low Hammond Rowe Architects Inc 
Engineer: Aqua Coast Engineering Ltd
GC: WCPG Construction 
Sub Contractors: 
Kodak Contracting Ltd - Exterior Insulation & Siding 
Peace Spray Foam & Insulation Ltd - Interior insulation
DM Henderson Roofing Ltd - Roof 


Exterior Walls: Rockwool Comfort Board | SOPRASEAL Stick 1100 |  SOPRASEAL Primer | Shield Building Wrap | Tyvek Commercial Building Wrap | Hardie Panel Smooth | Hardie Plank Smooth | Easy Trim | Tremco 440 Black Tape | 12" dekfast screws
Interior Walls: Rockwool Comfort Batt R24-15", | JM Insulation R 12 and R 20 
Roof - 1/2" xpress board | 2" SOPRAROCK DD Plus | SOPRALENE Flam 180 base | Duotack | SOPRALENE Flam 250 Cap | SOPRALENE Flam Stick | SOPRAVAPE 10" | Dekfast screws and hex plates | Elastocol Stick | SOPRAGUARD fire tape